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Identify Channel ID

TUBEFLIX is based on the fact that you choose the channel for which the content should be displayed on your site. There are several ways to identify the channel ID. We will highlight two in this article.

Option 1 - Read from URL

For many channels, the channel ID can be easily identified by the URL.
Open the channel you want directly in Youtube and look at the URL:

yt channelidinurl

But if you want to embed a channel whose ID is not in the URL (mostly Youtube partner channels) you can leave this to TUBEFLIX. See option two for this.


TUBEFLIX comes with an integrated tool that allows you to read the channel ID of a Youtube URL. It is not guaranteed that this will always work, but just try it yourself. Open the corresponding channel on Youtube and copy the URL into the corresponding field and click on analysis:

YT Analyze URL

After a few seconds you should see a result in the minimum. Copy the channel ID (in this caseUCB_qr75-ydFVKSF9Dmo6izg) and paste it in the corresponding field in the Module tab.

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